Saturday, July 14, 2007

A nicer afternoon than I thought

I made wifey and I some amazing guacamole. Fresh cilantro. Yeah, it's gone already. Loved it.

I've been working all afternoon on jOURney stuff.

I was dreading it, but today it's been nice. A cool breeze coming in the windows and a ballgame on in the background.

The Mac chance I'd be having this much fun with a Dell on my lap. I would've rebooted 3 times now. :)

Another thing I've found out about myself.

I really like green tea.

I might go make some.


Dri said...

That guacamole was amazing! Aunt Jan, you've been right the whole time - fresh cilantro is the kicker ingredient. The ingredient that kicks guac. from good to amazing. We actually had some today and it added a whole new layer of taste. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

Why do avacados have to be so expensive? :(

And, nothing wrong with Mac, but my Dell runs for days and sometimes weeks with HEAVY use and I don't have to reboot. ;)

Anna@MetaMusings said...

LOVE GUAC! but have no recipe. Want to pass your's on? :).