Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yesterday was See You at the Pole. An annual event to start school years. Groups of kids gather at a common location, often in a courtyard or flagpole area and pray for their school, fellow students, teachers, community, and many other things.

A local opinion writer from the family section of our local newspaper wrote and article entitled "I Won't See You at the Pole." And fair on unfair, she makes some honest and accurate commentary. I'd love your reactions.

Read it here.


Tyler said...

It's a good read. I have to admit, there's a lot of truth in the article. I think the world would be a much better place if we (yes, we, including myself) as the body of Christ met people and loved them instead of simply praying for (or against) them.

Ky • said...

I see both sides.

I definitely see the validity of encouraging our youth to make a stand publicly. And, wherever two or more are gathered, He's there, too...

However - I think it's ALWAYS a delicate balance between the "we're better than you, because we're Christians" sect of teens and the, "other" teens.

No matter - I'm a fan. I think that kids very rarely make a stand in high school. This encourages them too.

As a graduate of a Christian junior high and high school, you would have been SHOCKED by how many of our students DIDN'T go to SYATP. It was no big deal to us - we had God at school with us EVERY DAY in EVERY class. Public schools, don't have that luxury - I think it's important for those students to make that stand whenever they can.

(Pardon my LONG, RANDOM thoughts...)