Sunday, September 17, 2006

A few things blog worthy this day...

Two nights ago we ate at a Thai restaurant. It was so good and unexpectedly so. I actually can't remember what I ordered, ______ ______ maipan, I think; lots of veggies and lots of cashews. Sauce was remarkable and contrary to my thoughts, there is someone here in town that can prepare tofu. Very good. very, very good.

I was driving to church this morning and heard a couple guys on the radio. I'm sure they were plugging some book on post-modern philosophy, and generally I like to hear what people 'think' post-modernism is or isn't. Generally it de-generates into a talk about teens and twenysomethings have no absolute bounds to their morality and that same schtick. Today, however was different.

It was a great way to start the day off.

Among all the great things these guys talked about (lack of authenticity and honesty in the church's teaching, folks can find more honesty in pop culture's music in the questions it asks, etc.) they said this: "Imagine you were a missionary and were called to go to Italy. But you say that you can't stand Italian food. The music is pretty bad, and the Italian movies are worse. Their language is stupid and not worth the effort to learn. Italian art just isn't your thing either. But you say that you love Italians. Then I say you're a liar."

...because that's who they are...


...more to come later...

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Hey ... so here's a thought

Want to start a community blogger? The ones where you can add/remove blogger members who can author posts? Might be a good idea. You've got a blogger, Rachel and I've got bloggers, and anyone else who wants to join in can just get a free blogger account.

What do you think?