Saturday, January 12, 2008


Just when I thought it would never be possible to read the local paper's opinion page with a straight face it happened...

Someone wrote in and was the voice of reason.

It would be great if I could link to some of the recent conversations, but they don't put reader's views on their site. Besides, the content or topic isn't really the issue. The issue is bigger than the topic. In fact, it doesn't seem to matter if the topic is leashes for your dog or defending (or criticizing) God's 'chosen' president. People always attack the writer and fail to enter into the conversation.


It's a whole lot easier that way. You don't have to use your brain to call someone an 'idiot.' The extent of the creativity or thoughtfulness I see there is to see how imaginative readers can be. I confess I read the section more like a Jerry Springer fan than someone who wants to be part of the dialogue.

Frankly, it's why churches can be such a drag sometimes. There's no conversation there. At least there's no room for it. It's generally a bunch of people repeating the things they've read or heard to each other. It's as if there's a point at which we stop engaging with each other because we've figured out there's no place for it.

Here's, potentially, the most damaging implication: If there's no place for good, honest conversation between folks on the journey, then God must not want it to happen, right? Kind of feels that way...

So, when we talk at church and imply (because most people don't out and out call people stupid) another has 'lost their mind.' It also implies that God must think we've lost our minds.

So we stop trying to talk.

We stop trying to make observations that are critical in helpful ways.

We stop trying to learn how to disagree in love and still stay friends.

And then we wonder why people leave the church...or even how it's possible how the church creates crisis (see McKnight posts) in people and then have to choose between being thoughtful or being 'Christian.'

I know, I know. Not new info. Just worth mentioning...

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Wow I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog. Maybe leaving your blog alone for a semester and the preceding summer was a bad idea... Interesting that people can become so heated but say nothing productive... thanks for the post. I'll try to catch up on the rest of your posts as I find time.