Sunday, September 03, 2006

IKEA and Rocco

I have a truck. It's a new to me truck. It was new to the world when I was a junior in high school. It's name is Rocco, and we've already bonded. Moving day will do that to a guy and his truck. So far, Rocco and I have made two trips to IKEA in Canton, MI...we'll probably make more...

Our new kitchen came from IKEA. So, did all the boxes that the kitchen came in. Something's easier now that Rocco's in our life. Recycling. So far, Rocco and I have made two trips to Litter Landing. While the folks there aren't that friendly, I feel good putting our IKEA cardboard in the bins. I didn't tie down the last load I took. I didn't lose any on the way either. I drove slow...just me and Rocco. There might have been 5 cars in a line behind me (actually there were...I counted and laughed).

Me and Rocco have also been to the 'sanitary' (according to the sign) landfill.
Rocco uses more gas than my Neon. But I can recycle with Rocco a whole lot easier. So it's kind of a wash, but I wasn't recycling before. At least I'm not in the negative anymore.

Long live Rocco...

Long live God's Earth...

1 comment:

Ky • said...

Congrats on Rocco. And, good for your recycling. :-)