Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Highlight of the day thus far? Flaming cheese at the Greek Garden...Opa!!

Hightlights of the past two days? Diet Pepsi jazz...both flavors are worth your time; strawberries and cream & black cherry french vanilla.

It's time for a new book to read for book club as well. I'm leaning toward Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. This is a tremendous read for those looking for a fresh explanation of a Christ-centered world view. I am growing more and more convinced that the status quo in our churches is perpetuated by people not wanting to lose control of something they're pretty darn sure that they created...

...sad that these are the same people that go to funerals and offer words of comfort like 'God is in control.'

Apparently, God is only in control of the stuff we don't understand.

Oh yeah, wasn't allowed to view the church's budget last night. Apparently, I can only see the page that has to do with me and my ministry area...

...good thing I didn't have any questions...but how would I know...

Control is a funny thing, we all want it in some form or another, but it's only a matter of time before we find out we're really Toonces driving the car off the cliff.

Now I'm looking at my un-opened can of black cherry french vanilla diet pepsi jazz thinking that I might want to drink it. I think I can be in control of that decision. I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit has better things to do rather than let me know when to drink my soda. If not...

...well, crap

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