Thursday, September 21, 2006

Back to School

Been in Kidron, OH doing some talks with the students at Central Christian HS this past week. It has been great fun...and I'm going to miss (and re-miss) my Eastern OH friends. I actually just finished up the last chapel presetation. Good's the only one I didn't offenend anyone during. So, that's good then for me. I feel compelled to share a couple of stories and reflections on my time here at Central.

First, if you're going to talk about how much Old Spice and old man smell wig you out due to a childhood experience, make sure the superindentant doesn't wear that fragrance. Perhaps, change to Brut or Aqua Velva to prevent "ear heat" (that's how I know I'm getting red :))

Second, some things never change. And Kidron will always smell like horse an endearing sort of way.

Third, is being a teacher like working at camp? I was sitting at lunch with some of the faculty and it had the distinct feeling of sitting at a staff table at camp.

And finally a story. A young student (5th or 6th grade probably) entered the cafeteria with his buddies. They all sat together in what I'm sure was their normal spot. I didn't really notice anything different about these guys together until said student came running to the staff table. The youngster was very distraught in a 'am I going to die?" sort of way. I heard his concern and then knew why...

"Mrs. ______ Kyle said that I ate some spinach and that on the news it said I would die!"

"Excuse me?" the teacher responded.

"I think I'm gonna die! Am I going to die in the cafeteria today? Am I dying right now?!" His face was red with terror, tears streaming down his face. "But he said that the news said I would die! I would die if I ate spinach, that's what he said it said..."

The teacher calmed the boy after a few minutes. The boy, who was exihibiting his new found vigor for life, shuffled his feet back to his table and decked the little 'news outlet' in the neck.

It was awesome...and I re-learned something else...

...the news is one scary mother...

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