Friday, June 08, 2007

In a follow up...

...a question...

Where is the line between personal responsibility to gather information and an organization's or a business' responsibility to share it?

That has turned into the fundamental question of this whole IWT issue, but more than that, isn't this a bigger issue than just the one in town right now? From food to television shows to music to whatever. It seems as though there is a line and the folks on either side of it wishes that the other would do a little more on their part.

An organization or business is likely to say something like, "Well, there's a website and if someone really wants to find out about __________________, they can. We've got nothing to hide." And on the other side, folks say that if there's nothing to hide, then why does it seem so, well, hidden?

Personally, I've got my own thoughts. If you're one saying the 'there's a website' bit, then it's likely that you're not giving enough information for people to NOT feel like they're being intentionally duped. Whether one is trying or not trying to be deceptive, if folks feel deceived that's a problem.

At the same time, people need to stop passing the buck. Acknowledge when you DON'T do enough to find out information, and quit blaming others for you not knowing something. Then resolve to get a little more involved and pro-active in the world around you. Don't get all mad that you 'didn't' know when there were opportunities for you to know.

Have an opinion? I'd love to hear it...

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