Thursday, May 24, 2007

an interesting sight...

My workout regiment now includes bicycling. The past few mornings, I've found myself on the streets of town trying to break a sweat on my Wal-Mart special bike. This morning, while riding past a local dining establishment, two folks were out biggie. I finished my ride and started my day.

This day included a ride out to jOURney...'some' schmuck left his cellie at work :) On my way out, on my bike again, I passed one of the folks that were out talking earlier that morning. He was on a bike too...a sweet chromed out one. You know, the one's that look like a chopper. Cigarette hanging out of his mouth, milk in one hand, and a 24 of Natty Light in the other.

It was a sight to behold...apparently not everyone in town is on their bike for health reasons. If I really think about it, I knew that, but the picture was enough to make me chuckle...

...I'll probably wreck next time I'm out...


1 comment:

Ky • said...

I'm smiling. Awesome.