Friday, March 23, 2007

too long

First, let me start by saying that my lack of postings have no bearing on how often I actually read everyone else's blogs. I guess I'm just not keeping up my end of the bargain. So, now that the boy's had the flu, I'm on the mend after passing the flu bug without actually getting the flu and my wife is asleep on the couch doing the same thing, I feel like I have some time to put some thoughts down.

Out of respect for my sleeping wife, I'm in the office at our house using the Dell. Can I just say that I LOVE my Mac? It completely destroys this thing. I'm never going back...I'm such a convert that I was watching tv today and say a commercial for the Motorola Q and I was like, 'Windows based piece of crap. Where's my iPhone?' Just the other day, my buddy showed me his Q, and it was cool. I think the next time I have to get a phone, I'll hopefully be able to get something that talks with the ol'Mac a little better than my Razr.

Can I also say that the Cingular software for the razr completely blows? i guess I just did...

Anyway, Wifey and I were watching the Today show a couple of mornings ago and they set up my favorite thing that happens on television: religious 'debate' that makes for good tv. Super conservative old guy versus middle aged agnostic. Problem is it ends up making the rest of us look bad, so there it is...

They were talking about this 'Jesus family tomb' business. And this old hack comes out swinging. Not just jabbing, but throwing some serious haymakers, and I'm sitting here watching and my jaw is having a race with A.'s to see who's hits the floor first. So, angry old hack (as we'll call him) relentless bashes any sort of sound coming from the slick agnostic's mouth. And then it happened, slick agnostic says, 'there really are some strong cases for faith here, Merideth...' He goes on to say that of all the coffins in the Jesus family tomb, that Jesus' was the only one with no bone fragments or particles in it. DID YOU HEAR THAT, OLD GUY? No bones in the tomb!! Freakin' frackin' sweet, I say... Angry old hack, unphased by this sacred moment of 'seriously?!' AOH goes on to talk about these guys piggybacking on the research of some guy that everyone agrees is a fraud.

Fantastic...we 'win' the debate, but lose face...and the person...

...know what that means?

..we lose...


Rachel said...

Nice. Glad you and A are on the mend and resting. We still have the Jesus tomb documentary and discussion on DVR. We'd love to have you two (well, three) over for a viewing. Seeya Sunday!

Tyler said...

That's what you get for watching the Today Show.

David Niall Wilson said...

I've been enjoying watching this from the start (not really having a horse in the race, so to speak) but slick agnostic was wrong. One of the only two that DID have bone fragments was the Jesus ossuary...that one and the Mary one were the ones they compared DNA on so they could say that they weren't brother and sister (and leap by faith, I suppose, to the notion they were man and wife).

It really is funny how many "experts" have surfaced.


Anonymous said...

We win the battle and lose the war...sounds like it's par for the course.

I guess I'd rather we be more picky over which battles we are going to bleed for...there are very few that I am willing to shed blood over. And if I am going to spill some blood, it's going to be worth it.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

It has been too long. Glad to have you back blogging.
I have to admit...I haven't kept up on conversation regarding the discovery of the tomb of Jesus. I think I have some ideas of what is happening...but I'll keep it to myself in case I really, in fact, have no idea what I am talking about.