Thursday, March 08, 2007

busy, busy, busy

That's me these days, but I did want to hop on the ol' blogger and reflect over the past several days:

I have seen joy, sadness, and numbness in those around me. Sometimes in the same person all at the same time.

I have looked at my little family and felt the pure joy that comes in moments you never think about having when you're dreaming about what your life will be like when you're a kid.

I have stared at the ceiling of my house and thought, 'How the crap did I get here?'

I have become more keenly aware that God's idea for life here involves me DOING something and not just waiting for it to happen, and it excites me and paralyzes me all at the same time.

I have written music that people tell me they like, but sometimes I don't believe them. Mostly though, I do. In the end, it doesn't matter much...

I love my wife.

I love my boy.

It's clear that God is a God of grace because I don't deserve them...

...but I do get to enjoy them; God is a God of blessing.

Probably more than ever, it's in my tiredness and depravity that I most keenly aware of God's power, God's faithfulness, God's love, and God's character. While I see it in my own life, I see it in the lives of brothers and sisters in the midst of unspeakable pain.

Who can stand in the light of God's glory?
Who is like God in faithfulness?
Who's eyes have seen the face of our Creator?
Is there anyone? Anyone at all?

Despite all my doubts and fears that I lay at Your feet,
You've made me and You've held me and you call me complete
You call me

You say I'm Your Beloved


Ky • said...

(I needed to read that, Ryan. Thanks.)

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Thought provoking blog. I enjoyed reading it and oh so how true...we are all very blessed. Even in our darkest days.