Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pimpin' ain't easy

As I sat sipping a warm beverage at George House yesterday, I glanced out the front window. To my surprise I saw a Ford Windstar with spinner rims on it. My guess is that the owner spent some serious coin on the spinners. Not really...

Can you imagine the conversation that surrounds a decision to put spinners on a minivan?

Needless to say, I want a minivan now. Spinners just wouldn't look as cool on my Lancer.

Don't know if you read this, but thanks Lacie for introducing me to Jesus Camp. I was mortified. Seriously. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I would guess that there isn't much more than teaching kids how to scare the hell out of people.

I most often advocate the kind of things that Jesus did, like love people and stuff. You know, spending time and investing myself into people? Jesus was very patient with folks.

Not so much with the people who didn't get it and were supposed to. Like church leaders that don't get it...but I digress...

Project Runway Finale tonight! I wanna see Jeffrey's stuff, and I don't think he cheated. Take that Cruella deLaura.

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