Thursday, February 01, 2007

I think that Billy Joel said it best...

when he said that he doesn't know why 'he goes to extremes.'

Today, I find myself living in the middle. Probably where you are as well. In recent days, I have been acquainted with a certain musician whose name will get NO AIRTIME on this blog. He's bought into the lie that God prioritizies sin; I'll give you a guess on what town he's pitched his tent in...yup, Homosexualville. He's even written a song (thankfully banned from myspace, youtube, and others) creatively titled, "God Hates a Fag."

As you might imagine, he's received plenty of 'criticism' concerning this song, and frankly the ministry that goes along with it. As a response, he then posted a video (in which he says "Jesus loves you, but God hates you...that's just the Bible"-- has he read the New Testament at all?) on youtube that fires back at his critics, chastizing them being rude about comments about his weight. His reply? He excitedly tells folks that "he's proud to have already lost 120 pounds and can dunk a basketball."

Uhh, no he can't...I've seen the guy..but that's beside the point...

Put that up against the documentary I saw on TLC last night. It was about the amish school shooting. It was gut wrenching. It contained news and images I'll never be able to un-hear or un-see. Parts of it were about how the shooter allowed all the adults and children to leave the school except for the little girls, bound their arms and legs with plastic ties and began to execute them.

And the the voice of an Amish gentlemen interviewed for the documentary is another thing that I'll never be able to un-hear. "It was a terrible thing that Charles did. It hurts a lot, but we can't forget that Charles' family is dealing with a loss as well. So, we pray for our families along with the family that lost a husband and father."

And then 75 people from the local Amish communities came to the shooter's funeral in an act of forgiveness and support of his widow and two children...

I teared up last night, and I might again today thinking about it...

May we all be so bold as to clam up and DO what God asks.

"God has shown you, O people, what is good and what the He requires of you. Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly." --Micah 6:8

1 comment:

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Well said! I am amazed by the forgiveness that the Amish have shown and hope that I can emulate that in my life (although, of course, I hope the situation is never that tragic). I am saddened by