Monday, November 20, 2006

Lawn Mowers and the like

Okay, so kind of a lot has happened since I left a cryptic blurb about some visioning process. While I can't really go into details yet, things are progressing swimmingly...except for one thing.

Can a brother get a stinking computer? I am beside myself in frustration. Given all the much, much more major things that have already been accomplished, it seems that simply purchasing a computer would be simple...right? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

It's a little something called the lawn mower principle. I've now fallen victim to it for the first major time...

Suppose you run a hospital and it comes time for some technological upgrades. The folks want to purchase a new MRI machine. It comes with all the bells and whistles. It's got features that no one knows about except for all the technicians and they say this is definately the way to go. The bean counters don't know an MRI machine from a hole in the ground and they rely people in the know and they drop the $500K for an MRI machine.

Same group of people get together because buildings and grounds need a new lawn mower. That takes FOREVER to get done because everyone's bought a lawn mower and they think they know what sorts of features that were important to the lawn mower. Do they let the B & G guys make the purchase based on their recommendations? Nope.

There it is, my computer is stuck in...somewhere...



Ky • said...


Just think, though -- since you're experiencing such ridiculous delays, you're bound to (when you finally get it) have the coolest, latest and greatest computer (hopefully mac) around!

Keep on fighting the good fight.

Tyler said...

Hey, you're the one who always says all of us is smarter than one of us.

I say you brought this on yourself!