Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what if...

What if there wasn't such a stark line between areas of our life? What might that be like?

What if folks lived lives so authentically that terms like'Christian walk' or 'Christian life' became obsolete?

What if a body of pilgrims on a journey to find God could be focused on helping outsiders to know how God sees them? At the same time, what if our need to hang with our buddies could be met inside Christian community?

What if the constant teaching of salvation as an event rather than a process has put us farther behind than we all thought?

What if we all helped folks understand that they're already part of God's story whether they know it or not, and that the whole body is better if their story is told?

What if we all truly understood God as Healer? And would that help people tell their story? Would that change our idea of redemption?

What if we all really understood that a life in step with Christ is truly a step-up from the normal?

What if I'm wrong about all this...

but, what if I'm right?

Holy crap....what if I'm right?

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