Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I've been experiencing things in mental snapshots lately.

I'll go through a day and as I scan over my experiences from that day as I'm winding down, what I remember are images. A smile, a T-shirt someone was wearing, the twinkle in someone's eye...just about anything. And it is becoming a bit more emotional of an experience for me.

I remember the face of the guy that left his reunion early while wearing a shirt that reminded all of us that 'the party hasn't started until the cops show up.'

I see the intense look of a guitarist worshiping through a solo.

I see a singing face. Closed eyes. Smiling and worshipful. The song is kind of silly though.

I see the unique twinkle of a little boy's eye as the street lights catch his glassy, tired eye at the end of a day.

Those thoughts...images really...are teeming with meaning. In my alone times, I've shuffled through the stack of my memories. They're pictures of people at their most honest times. Aren't we all the most vulnerable when we're honest. Stripped of everything that would stand in the way of us being totally honest.

They're not necessarily pictures of people at their best (or worst), just their most raw.

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