Wednesday, February 07, 2007

out of the cold

hello friends...

posting from San Diego, CA and am very happy to be doing so after a FREAKIN' long travel day thanks to Mommie Natura. Our flight from Columbus to Chicago to SD was supposed to be in the 4-5 hours of flight time range...yeah, weather made the whole trip take close to 25 hours. Been a LONG time since I've been awake for 25 hours straight. (Trevor and Lori, you're my heroes)

I'm on the edge of what will be a wild ride of a week. God spoke very loudly last time I was here, and I think He might again. Pray that I'll have the guts to follow through with His words. Listening's not very often the problem; I just tend to chicken out sometimes.

I've already snagged a few books that I'm looking forward to reading and utilizing for study. Even though my travel company is great and the weather here is better, I miss being around my family (both church and home). I plan to put a running list of my book aquisitions and the like on my facebook if you want to keep up. (and make suggestions, Trevor...all the Zondervan stuff is 50% off!!)

I hope to blog more as the week continues with updates, ramblings, and reactions to both speakers and seminars alike.

miss you all...


1 comment:

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Enjoy your trip! Um...we're expecting 6 in. of snow here on Tuesday.