Monday, February 04, 2008

I'm moving... blog to wordpress...


If you've been kind enough to link to this blog, would you please do the me the honor of linking to the new blog.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

And the winner is...

Here's my list of top 5 Super Bowl commercials:

5. E-Trade- baby pukes
4. Will Ferrell Bud Light
3. E-Trade- baby buys a clown
2. Career Builder- heart jumps out of girl's chest
1. Planter's Nuts- cashew perfume

Watch all the commercials here.


...this was the best game I've ever seen that I didn't have a vested interest in.

By the end, I didn't care who'd win, I just knew I was watching something spectacular.

Good game, good food, great company!

Thanks, Jim and Cathy!